AEROCHEMICA – innovative Aerosol Technology – Creative Products

Our Certificates

DIN EN ISO 13485:2016 Certification

Medical devices – Quality management systems – Requirements for regulatory purposes ECM – „Zertifizierungsgesellschaft für Medizinprodukte in Europa mbH“, based in Aachen. ECM is an official accredited certification body by DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015. ISO 13485 forms the foundation for QMS in the medical device industry and specifies the requirements for manufacturers and developers. The standard mandates the oversight of pertinent processes while stipulating the standards for records and documentation.

IFS HPC Certification

The IFS HPC certification pertains to the safety and quality management system and production processes for household and personal care products. The standard applies to retailers’ own brands, manufacturers' brands, and unbranded products from other organizations. By fulfilling the requirements of the standard, suppliers of HPC products can satisfy the increasing market demands for quality, transparency, and traceability.

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IFS HPC certification serves as proof that we can manufacture safe and high-quality products in compliance with regulatory requirements and customer specifications. Independent and accredited IFS auditors conduct this certification.

IFS FOOD Certification

IFS Food Certification ensures the utmost safety of your products and builds trust in you as a supplier. The German Retail Federation (HDE) collaborated with representatives from the food retail industry (LEH) to create the International Featured Standards Food (IFS Food). As a result of the involvement of the food retail sector, the IFS Food rapidly gained recognition in the food industry.

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The IFS Food standard is recognized by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) for auditing food manufacturers.
Our IFS HGPC certification demonstrates our ability to deliver a safe product that complies with both the specification and the legislation.

HALAL Certification

HALAL Certification Services GmbH (HCS) is an impartial and independent certification body that assesses conformity and bestows halal certification for products, processes, and services in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries.

KOSHER Certification

Maor Hakashrut’s Kosher Certificate recognizes a range of kosher materials and products, such as oils, industrial products, oral hygiene items, nutritional supplements, and kosher factories. The issuance of a Kashrut Certificate follows a structured process that involves management evaluation and repeated product inspections to ensure their level of Kashrut.

EC certificate: single use

The Declaration of Conformity is a document through which product or service manufacturers officially attest to complying with applicable European Union directives and safety standards during production. The EU declaration of conformity requires a conformity assessment to ensure adherence to European directives. Upon completion of the assessment, a declaration of conformity is issued and marked with the letters “CE” by affixing the CE mark.

Do you have specific requirements?
Feel free to reach out to us.

Dr. Deppe GmbH

Am Selder 35a
47906 Kempen

Tel.: +49 2152 80 97 - 100
Fax: +49 2152 80 97 - 200

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